Eye Examination Appointments

Our optometrists are highly trained clinicians all having achieved a Bachelors Honours Degree in Optometry. They are registered with the NHS to conduct eye examinations and offer a full private examination spectrum An eye examination with an optometrist working for Hampson Opticians will include the determination of the patients spectacle lens prescription.A full examination of the patients retinas, ocular-motor balance. Visual field, intraocular pressures to assist any predisposition for glaucoma. Eye examinations can often reveal the early signs of sustained high blood pressure and diabetes. A whole spectrum of neurological malfunctions can be determined. If any unusual signs or symptoms are revealed the optometrist will make a judgement whether to refer the patient on to their medical Doctor, or if the situation is urgent, straight in to the local eye unit.

A full eye examination usually takes 30 minutes and occasionally requires a further assessment appointment. The results of the examination will be fully discussed with the patient, so please ask any questions you want.

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